Importing Chroma

A guide on downloading, importing and setting up Chroma

First of all, you need to import Chroma into your project.

  • In Unity, go to Window ▶︎ Package Manager;
  • On the top left, please find the Packages drop down menu. Select My Assets item there. You’ll find Chroma among your assets. Choose the version you’d like to import;
  • Click Download (if it is not downloaded yet);
  • Click Import.

Quick Start Scene

The Quick Start scene is a good place to start if you are new to Chroma. It contains a few examples of the most common use cases for Chroma.

The Quick Start scene scene works in all Render Pipelines: Built-in, URP and HDRP.

Quick Start Scene

More info about the Quick Start Scene


Below you can find typical possible issues when installing Chroma as well as other assets in Unity.

Can’t import Chroma

  • First of all, please make sure you downloaded Chroma using the Package Manager.
  • If the ‘Import’ button is greyed out, it may be due to the known Package Manager ‘cache’ issue. Here is how to fix it:
    1. Please locate the Readme helper tool: Project panel ▶︎ Assets folder ▶︎ Chroma folder ▶︎ select Readme and go to Inspector panel;
    2. Press Clear Cache;
    3. Download and import Chroma from the Package Manager or using Reimport Chroma files button on the Readme file’s Inspector panel.

    Readme file interface

After importing, Chroma gives errors

  • First, try restarting Unity. A simple restart indeed sometimes fixes some strange issues.
  • Re-import Chroma. Here is how:
    1. Please locate the Readme helper tool: Project panel ▶︎ Assets folder ▶︎ Chroma folder ▶︎ select Readme and go to Inspector panel;
    2. Press Clear Cache;
    3. Delete the Chroma folder from the Project panel ▶︎ Assets folder;
    4. Download and import Chroma from the Package Manager or using Reimport Chroma files button on the Readme file’s Inspector panel.
  • Verify if the Unity version is equal or is newer than 2020.3.30f1.
  • Make sure that you are not using a Unity beta release.
  • If nothing helps, please write to and include the copied debug info from the Readme file, which is by default located in Assets folder ▶︎ Chroma folder (or just share a screenshot of the panel).

After importing, some of the shaders are missing or cannot be compiled